To access any of the endpoints in the Kalixo API, authentication is required. In this guide, we'll explore the authentication mechanism used. The Kalixo API leverages JWT (JSON Web Token) authentication for securing API requests. With JWT authentication, you will need to include a valid JWT token in the request headers to authenticate and authorize your API calls. This token serves as proof of your identity and grants you access to the protected resources. JWT authentication provides a secure and efficient way to authenticate and authorize your API requests in the Kalixo ecosystem.
Basic authentication
With basic authentication, you use your username and password to authenticate your HTTP requests. Unless you have a very good reason, you probably shouldn't use basic auth. Here's how to authenticate using cURL:
Example request with basic auth
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
"email": "[email protected]",
"password": "zpVY8eV!wk"
Please don't commit your Kalixo password to GitHub!